Resource Configuration Files

The simshoprc is a standard ConfigParser formatted file where SimShop customizations are defined. SimShop looks for configuration files in predefined places on the file system.

  • OSX/Linux
    1. Command line : –config-file=my.ini
    2. User : ~/.simshoprc”
    3. System Wide : /etc/simshop/simshoprc
  • Windows
    1. Command line : –config-file=my.ini
    2. User : %USERPROFILE%\simshoprc
    3. System Wide : %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\simshoprc

SimShop will read any and all of these files, if they exist, starting with the system wide file, followed by the user file and finally any file passed on the command line. The most recently read file will overwrite any options that were defined in previous configuration files. This is useful when, for instance, a group wants to use a common email distribution list for receiving simulation results but for a test simulation an individual user may want the results to be emailed only to them. That user can override the email settings by either creating a simshoprc in their home directory or passing a temporary one on the command line. The users custom configuration file only needs to contain the items that he would like to override, not every item in the system wide configuration file.


Settings used by the scoreboard.


Any number of regular expressions used to determine what an error string looks like. All strings are treated as Python raw strings internally. i.e. r’ERROR’

errors = ERROR

Any number of regular expressions used to determine what a warning string looks like. All strings are treated as Python raw strings internally. i.e. r’WARNING’

warnings = WARNING WARN

A single string that defines the beginning of a test.

test_begin = TEST_BEGIN

A single string that defines the ending of a test.

test_end = TEST_END


Settings which allow the simulation scoreboard report to be emailed to any number of recipients.


Any number of email address to which a simulation report should be sent separated by a space and/or newline.

to =


to =

A single email address from which the email will be sent.

from =

A custom subject message. Some automatic string substitution is available which SimShop will replace when the email is actually sent. For instance, the status of the simulation can be replaced as part of the subject line.

subject = My simulation - $status

The $status message will be replaced with either PASS or FAIL depending on the result of the simulation.

Available string substitutions are:

  • PASS
  • FAIL

The password for the email account from which the email will be sent.


The SMTP server from which the email will be sent.

smtp_server =

The SMTP server port from which the email will be sent.

smtp_server_port = 587

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