
There are multiple ways to install SimShop depending on how one intends to use it. It can be download either as a source distribution, which can be installed as a Python package and used to write ones own simulation scripts, or it can be downloaded as a pre-compiled distribution for Windows or Mac OSX. For Linux the only option is to install from a source distribution.

SimShop currently only supports the Icarus Verilog simulator, so be sure to download and install it before attempting to simulate a design with SimShop.

General install guide for Icarus:

Icarus binaries for Windows:

Binary Distribution

Binary versions of SimShop are generated with each release for Windows and Mac OSX. These provide a way of installing SimShop as standalone command line applications without having to understand Python packages. These also bundle a Python interpreter so there is no need to install a separate Python runtime to use them.


These are not GUI applications. They are meant to be run from the command line.


Download the latest OSX DMG file from here.

After the file is downloaded double click on it to mount the disk image to the filesystem. Drag the .app file into your /Applications folder to install it.

To run the OSX version from the command line after it’s been installed to the /Applications directory issue the following command from the terminal:


Add the following entry to ~/.bash_profile to be able to run the application from the command line via the alias shop.

function shop { /Applications/ $*; }


Download the latest ZIP file from here. After the file is downloaded extract it by right clicking on the file and selecting “Extract All”.

Once it’s installed you’ll want to add the location of the executable to the PATH environment variable so that it can be run from the command line.


Source Distribution

The source distribution is a pure Python package structured such that it can be hosted on the Python Package Index (PyPi) website and installed via PIP, install or easy_install.

PIP from a source tarball

pip install SimShop-<version>.tar.gz

easy_install from PyPi

easy_install SimShop