
Here is a short example of running a simulation on a design that’s already set up for SimShop. Using a very simple design that can be downloaded as either a zipball or a tarball, I’ll run a simulation with SimShop.

Untar/unzip the file which will create the example directory structure that contains the Verilog RTL, the testbench and a couple simshop config files.

$ tar zxvf simshop_example.tar.gz
$ cd simshop_example/
$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 tweaver  staff  136 Jun  8 05:28 rtl/
drwxr-xr-x  4 tweaver  staff  136 Mar 16 05:37 test/
$ tree .
|-- rtl
|   |-- and_nand.v
|   `-- or_nor.v
`-- test
    |-- variant0
    |   |-- tb.v
    |   `-- v.cfg
    `-- variant1
        |-- tb.v
        `-- v.cfg

4 directories, 6 files

Listing Available Tests

The tests to be run are specified in config files which are contained in a directory that constitutes a test variant. Each variant directory contains a testbench and a simulation config file. In the example case above the testbench Verilog file is named tb.v and the simulation config file is v.cfg. To list the available tests in the core use the -l or --list-tests option. By default SimShop will search for files that have a .cfg extension and attempt to parse them for any available tests.

$ shop -l
Found the following config files



To run a simulation:
shop <path_to/variant>/<test>

    shop test/variant1/basic


In this case the simulation script found two config files ./test/variant0/v.cfg and ./test/variant1/v.cfg and lists the tests contained in each. The config files only define a single test named basic. The last thing that is printed out is an example of how one can run a test.

Running a Simulation

To run the test listed in the example above one would type the following

shop test/variant1/basic

Assuming Icarus Verilog is already installed, the output of the command would produce

$ shop test/variant1/basic

Verifying target...
  PATH    : test/variant1
  VARIANT : variant1
  TEST    : basic

Generating auto test file based on test 'basic'

Making new build directory: test/variant1/simbuild/basic

iverilog -Wall -otest/variant1/simbuild/basic/sim -I./test/variant1/ ./test/variant1/tb.v ./rtl/and_nand.v ./rtl/or_nor.v test/variant1/simbuild/basic/auto_test.v
vvp -n -ltest/variant1/simbuild/basic/sim.log test/variant1/simbuild/basic/sim

<0> Dump file set to test/variant1/simbuild/basic/out.vcd.
<0> Dumping has been turned OFF. Nothing will be dumped.

<0> Starting Auto Tests
in1 in0 || and_out | nand_out | or_out | nor_out
 0   0  ||    0    |     1    |   0    |    1
 0   1  ||    0    |     1    |   1    |    0
 1   0  ||    0    |     1    |   1    |    0
 1   1  ||    1    |     0    |   1    |    0

Simulation Score
`-- variant1
    `-- basic                   [PASS]  (00h 00m 00s)

Passed      1/1 (100.0%)
Failed      0/1 (0.0%)
Invalid     0
Incomplete  0
Not Run     0
Errors      0
Warnings    0
Run Time    00h 00m 00s

The output of the simulation is directed to a sub-directory of the variant that is being simulated. The default build directory is simbuild, so in this case the output would be written to


All output files associated with the simulation are kept in this directory. To dump a VCD waveform file just pass the -pDUMPON argument on the command line which passes the plusarg DUMPON to the simulation:

$ bin/sim -pDUMPON test/variant1/basic